Hot Wheels Calgary Racing Thread

This will be where I will be posting the races from this point forward... That's if I can figure out my finish gate issues...
Anyway, in the meantime....
It's Track Time Tuesday!Have A Great Day!
4 lane 3D Botmaker finish lane shipped to Canada for $90. Got mine a month ago and me and the kid are loving it. Wish I had bought the starting gate and had it shipped the same time to save on shipping costs, but I already had one built. Sometime in the future. Totally worth it though.
- Yeah...I've already been talking with them and as soon as money allows, I will be probably ordering one. — CalgaryDiecastRacing
- When you do you’ll love it. — 41-14
It's been a busy busy busy week.... now to get caught up here...
and a little extra....
Happy Easter Everyone! Don't forget the true meaning of Easter....The saviour has risen!HE LIVES!
Now that the day is winding down, I would like to share the rest of the videos from today's extravaganza! Enjoy!
Happy Hot Wheeling Wednesday!
Good morning all! I wanted to let you know that I might not be sharing the links for the races for a couple weeks. I have a whole lot going on and I'm not sure if I will have the time or brain power to get to it. I will when I can, but feel free to subscribe to the YouTube channel and you will get to see the races every day! Thank you to all who have been tuning in! I will be back after some things are cleared off the table..hehe... Happy Hot Wheeling!
Another snowy Saturday(in Calgary anyway)! Let's stay warm and watch some Hot Wheels racing!
April 8
April 9
April 10
Happy Which One Will Win Wednesday!