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Hot Wheels Calgary Racing Thread

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I hope everyone had a great weekend and last week! For me it was a week and weekend filled with races, recording, disassembly and building of the new track for the daily races on Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube Channel! All going well, the new track should be on the air starting at the beginning of February! It will be the return of drag racing on Hot Wheels Calgary! WHOOHOO! For now though, there's still lots of racing on Birdco Pass! Let's go check out today's race!

Happy Two For Tuesday! I'm up bright and early just to make sure to get you today's race!... ok.. not really.. but I did want to make sure you get to see as many of the last races on Birdco Pass as possible! The Pass will be gone at the end of the month and we will be moving on to a different track setup! The return of drag racing to Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube Channel! For now though, let's enjoy some racing on the Pass!

Ok.. so last week I really dropped the ball on getting the daily races shared with you good folks.. but this week should go a bit smoother... the new track is built, the first few races are done and I have some extra time each day thanks to an hour cut at work (no worries... I'm still working and all is well :) )..

Now that being said, this is the last week of racing on Birdco Pass.. it's sad in some ways but a time to be thrilled in others... you'll see what I mean next week...

For now though, let's enjoy today's race on Birdco Pass!

Yesterday was a big day for Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube Channel... The channel got monetized (not sure how much that pays but it sure is a major milestone) and the Birdco 1000 hit 1k views! I'm excited to see what 2021 has for the channel!

I do know starting next week there is a new track and so this is is the last Two For Tuesday on Birdco Pass! It's sad in some ways but exciting in others... tune in next week and you'll see what I mean..

But for now, enjoy today's race!

Just a few more races left on Birdco Pass... be watching on the Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube Channel for your chance to enter your guess on which car will be dubbed King of the Pass in the Farewell to the Birdco Pass Tournament coming soon!

And now,my fellow diecast junkies, here's today's race!

Only 2 more daily races left on Birdco Pass and then the final tournament on Sunday... then.. let the good times roll! Monday is the unveiling of the new track!

Make sure, after today's race, to pop over to the video where you can enter your guess on which car will be dubbed King of the Pass! Then tune in Sunday to watch the mayhem unfold!

This is it.. the last daily race on Birdco Pass! Make sure to stay until the end for a little bonus feature! Also.make sure you tune in on Sunday the 31st for the Farewell to Birdco Pass Tournament. And then we'll see you all on Monday at the new track!

Have a great weekend everyone!

I'd like to invite you all to come check the premiere of the very last race ever on Birdco Pass.. The Farewell to Birdco Pass King of the Pass Tournament! 12 noon Mountain Time today!

Hope to see you there!

Welcome to the all new daily races at Birdco Dragway on Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube Channel!

Yesterday's daily race on Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube Channel was the most viewed (within a 24 hour period)daily race...EVER!!

Thanks to all who made that happen!

Today, we have Top Fuel Two For Tuesday! WHOOHOO! BRING THE THUNDER!

I hope everyone is enjoying the new track on Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube Channel! It's still a work in progress and there will be some changes as we go, but I personally am enjoying having a drag strip back in the picture.. or I guess in this case, 3 pictures...hehe..

Anyway, for those of us that got a dump of snow recently, stay warm, stay safe and enjoy today's race!

More great racing at Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube Channel! The last thing these Funny Cars are is funny.. they're all business when it comes to racing!

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