Hot Wheels Car Maker

iowastockcars Friday, 2/8/2013

Saw this in a Mattel press release today for their 2013 toys.

The new Hot Wheels® Car Maker lets kids create their very own Hot Wheels® cars in 1:64 scale using a specially designed
internal heating system that molds the vehicles

Started looking and found some pictures.

Looks like they had something similar back in the late 70s.


THat looks pretty cool.

Here's a link to photo's of the old one from the 70's.

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox
Wheels and weights!

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model40fan 2/9/13

gave some of those very ugly car molds away awhile ago... the stuff i had used very short wheelbase 'cars with 2nd generation, '72ish, "redline" wheels...

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