How do you display your cars?

ThinIce Tuesday, 4/19/2016

As my collection grows over time, I'll probably need to adjust my space and storage units to display my collection. I'm already cramped up, using a smaller 3 ft high and 1 foot long shelf. Perhaps in the near future I'll buy a new shelf to add on space. My girlfriend's apartment already has little room for more furniture, but I can adjust a few locations.

For mainline collectors, having a universal dimension for hot wheels cardboard singles and blisters makes it easy for "copy/paste" shelving, but I collect sets of all sorts. I try to arrange them based on some sort of visual or conceptual similarity.

Right now, these are more DC themed cars. Not much variation, but there are some pieces I want to add in the near future. There are 6 Justice League NASCAR sets, and I have only one at the moment (Wonder Woman).

Street vehicles, including some Mustangs, Escalades/Boom Boxess, and Motorcycles. The Kenny Bernstein car is there cause I have no space.

Various sets and cars. James Bond cars on the right, Hot wheels Action Packs on the left, and various trucks in front. Eventually I want to buy all of the action packs, but my budget doesn't call for it at this time.

Overall shelf space, takes very little room for the amount of stuff I've put in it. I put random singles on the top, including a Cadillac V16 FTE, 49' Merc classic car, Cockney Cab Redline, and other random mainlines.


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redlinederby 4/19/16
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Good use of those cheapo shelves. I guess I've never really thought about using "full sized" shelves for display, my mind just goes to typical shallow shelves for cars.

I don't really display my cars much at all, really. I used to have a wall display that held a few dozen but I gave it to my kid for her little trinkets. My cars just collected dust anyway. I have all my kid-less cars in jammer cases or on my own peg board for later extraction when it comes time to race.

That being said, I should find or make a shelf that is just for showcasing cars and cycle them out, just for fun and if nothing else, for good photo ops.

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