Is this feasible?

Stroller Thursday, 8/15/2013

I ran a little home tournament between 8 of my randomly selected cars, like this.
I numbered all the cars 1 thru 8.
Then I put numbers on a piece of paper 1 to 8 in a column down the left side.
Then I raced car 1 vs car 2.
If 1 won put a 2 next to 1. If 2 won I put a 1 next to the 2.
Then I raced 1 vs 3 and scored as I did for 1 and 2 except now of course it's 1 and 3.
Then 1 vs 4 - 8 one at a time keeping track of the cars defeated next to the winning cars.
After that I started from number 2 and raced against 3-8 and noted the wins. 2 did not race 1 again because it had already raced that one.
Then numbers 3- 8 were raced but only against cars of higher numbers as they had already raced lower numbered cars.
When you get to number 8 the tournament is over as he has already raced everyone.
Then count the wins for each car. The highest number of wins, wins. You will find one car will have beaten everybody and one car will have lost to everybody. I think.
Does this sound feasible or what?........


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JDC442 8/15/13

I've done something similar. It's a great way to accurately rank a set of cars, but it does take a bit of time.

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