Loop Track Racing

Thunder424 Tuesday, 5/15/2012

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Hey guys. I'm getting the opportunity to build a racing track for my local club (Fort Wayne Hot Wheels Club) and I'm considering doing something different. I don't want to just do the straight drop. I've thought about adding a steeper incline and doing a double loop (one loop for each lane), which would lead into a finish line. Obviously, the car would not only need to be fast, but would also need to handle the loop, as well.

Has anyone ever considered doing this for fun, or even tried it?



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Gravitywerx 5/15/12


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Jobe 5/15/12

I set up my 25' track that way for my son's Halloween Carnival. It's tricky getting both loops the same using continuous track but it worked out nicely. Elimnates some cars instantly because of track clearance on front and rear bumpers.

The kids loved it. I've been thinking about doing the same for one of the mail-in tournaments as an additional challenge.

I also want to try and see how big a loop I can build and still get the majority of cars to go around it.

I say go for it, but maybe make it so it can go both ways...straight and with a loop.

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redlinederby 5/16/12
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Personally I think jumps are more spectacular than loops. Like Jobe said, loops limit the type of cars that can race right out of the gate. Every car can jump...but some land better than others. But eitherway, tossing in some excitement in addition to regular downhill racing sounds like fun for a club.

And if your club has a web site, let me know and we can do some banner swapping. And if you have a decent sized collection of Hot Wheels cars, you could be a fantasy league tournament host track: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=534

Happy racing!

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Thunder424 5/17/12

Well, I tossed the idea out to the club... took a poll that included three options:

*Straight downhill
*Dual lane loop
*Jump (thanks for the idea, Brian)

It was pretty straightforward... people wanted to see their car go as fast as they could so they picked straight downhill almost unanimously. Oh well. I know we'll have fun any way we do it.

Well, it's back to the drawing board and my chicken scratch of blue prints. Hopefully I'll have something that looks like a track (without the orange track... on order) by the end of the weekend.

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redlinederby 5/17/12
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Make sure you take some photos and share your track building. I know we all love seeing how guys put together their tracks. There's always something special hidden in each one.

Personally I think jumps are more spectacular than loops.

Jumps are a time consumer, sorting through cars that can make it and they all seem to jump different distances...Not hard to sort through them I suppose, unless your playing with a three year old who might not have the patience.

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markkaz 5/17/12

That sounds like fun! Plus, it will add variance. When somebody has a car that wins often on a straight track, it might not be champ in the loop

I found another racing league within driving distance for me where they use the two lane to one lane crash piece. I can see the kids really liking something like that. But when I heard that, I was like no thanks. Im not risking my fast cars with a crash like that.

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model40fan 5/18/12

That sounds like fun! Plus, it will add variance. When somebody has a car that wins often on a straight track, it might not be champ in the loop

ditto on fun MKZ,
our mom limited the quanity, but with a sheet of toilet paper clothes pinned to a bent square coathanger anchored by an encyclopedia, my brother and i had our cars jump through the T.P....we went all out and had the cars do a 180 so we could see them blast through the T.P. coming towards us....if lots of kids... multiple tracks... kids will dig it and cheap !

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redlinederby 5/18/12
Site manager

I found another racing league within driving distance for me where they use the two lane to one lane crash piece. I can see the kids really liking something like that. But when I heard that, I was like no thanks. Im not risking my fast cars with a crash like that.

But that would be half the fun! Build a car that is FAST and can survive a crash. I'm smellin' a new mail-in tournament theme...

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Jobe 5/18/12

But that would be half the fun! Build a car that is FAST and can survive a crash. I'm smellin' a new mail-in tournament theme...

I'm on it!

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WorpeX 5/18/12

But that would be half the fun! Build a car that is FAST and can survive a crash. I'm smellin' a new mail-in tournament theme...

I've already got ideas brewing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxMbOEz-09s!

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