My absence

I was involved in a bad motorcycle crash on sept 24. I woke up 2 weeks after the crash in the hospital after having heart surgery, hip surgery and having both my broken legs set back into place with rods on such left leg I can finally stand on and the right foot is still in an x fix which is a small cage with rods attached to the bones. getting to the point now I can stand for a little while with a walker on my left foot. So as far as know when I'lll walk again do know but I'm staying postive. My wife is wanting to move some of my work stuff out of the garage and into our spare bedroom. She is a gem of a wife. She knows how much I love this site and the people and racing on it. I got out of the house for the first time this saturday and was blown away that the 2014 hw are out. yes my 10 year old was pushing my thru the toys. I know It has a been a while since I have been on here and I hope this sums it up.
Much love to all you guys and gals!!! Hopefully soon I'll be set up and racing. Big thanks to all who have inboxed.
Thanks ,
I am new to the site; since your accident, but hope that you have a smooth recovery. Give your wife a smile from me for moving your tools into the house for you!
she hasn,t yet but soon soon .
Holy crap, man. Can't imagine the state you and your family is in. Slow and steady win the race Wishing you guys all the best while you recover.
John, this site has a healing quality to it. About 2 years ago I was in the hospital having tests and stuff done to find out just what kind of Cancer I had. Lymphoma, I was fairly new and playing in the Fantasy League not yet having been involved in sending cars out to race any mail in races. My Wife brought my laptop to me and Redline Derby helped me through it all. Anyway that was 2 years ago and I have been in remission for about a year and a half. The finish line is still a long way off for me as I feel about it. Sooooooooooooo, Let's Race Buddy!!!
Oh yea, I had a Slot Car Raceway for 7 years too. Just sayin'
John, glad to hear the healing is well under way. As a fellow 2 wheel rider, hope to see back in the saddle soon! WELCOME BACK!
I too am new to the site, but I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope you have a quick recovery!
thank you all so much.
Welcome back and PTL you are still alive! So sorry to hear about the wreck...I was also in a motorcycle wreck 2 months ago, a lady pulled out in front of me and I T bone the side of her car, totaled out the bike. But I was able to walk away with some major bruising and soreness to my shoulder and wrist. I am truly thankful to be alive, as I'm sure you are. I've just gotten some of the last parts to start rebuilding my bike this winter. Good that you are home for Christmas...just get better!
Glad to see you on the mend John...................
Always hate to hear of a motorcycle accident (I teach the MSF Basic RiderCourse), especially when it's one of the "family". Here's to wishing you a speedy recovery!