Race Numbers
Kind of late to the party, I just realized there's stuff going on apart from "find a race" :P
Zero, because of the Smashing Pumpkins which is a big part of my life. The first U_U driver was named Blank, according to one of my favorite songs from SP that's on the Aeroplane Flies High vinyl box. So since it's name came from SP, I thought Zero would have been the perfect number to fit.
I was forced to choose another number once (YDS) and both 0 and 99 were used, so I mindless chose 98. I printed some decals with that number and used it as an alt a few times (Yds, Stock Car Nation)
I also had to build a pair of matching 911s for the Porsche Pull-up at Mini Mafia Motors, so I decided to cut some remaining 98 decals in half to get some 8 and 9 numbers :)
Lately, Neon City claimed number zero for IDRL, I've left it for them to use and went with #9 instead for this time. So 9 is an official alt too for U_U, and might use #8 again too if needed
So, to make it short, preference order is 0, 9, 8, 98
31 is typically the number I go with. If it's not available, then 39 it is.
3 has been my favorite number since I was a kid. I don't choose 3 as my racing number for several reasons.
1.) Everyone assumes that I am a Dale Earnhardt fan. Um, no.
2.) The number is almost always taken.
3.) In my career as an art director, typography has had a big influence on me. I like the way a number with curves such as "3" looks next to a number with straight lines like "1" or "4". (Yes, I know the 9 in 39 doesn't go along with this. LOL!)
- That's why I like 27, in certain font faces both individual numbers have both a curve and a straight line :) — G_ForceRacing
My Son, Snake, is 7 for Snow Valley Racers
My main number 72, is the year I was born, I know, I am old. The other 2 I use is 50, my wife's father was a race car drive and that was his team number. 97 for the year my sone was born.
- Man, if being born in '72 makes you old, being born in '70 makes me... Older, I guess. lol — FeralPatrick
I like 6. When I was six years old the number 6 was seemingly everywhere; my age, class room number, Cub Scout den, first dirt bike...I've just stuck with it. Alternate would be 41. I ran 41 in autocross car for a few years because it was available easy to cut out of a magnet sheet. And I liked Jimmy Spencer who was in the Target Dodge in those days.
I would take 8 but 8 is already taken so My next will be 18. I'll take 18. I like 18 because that was my baseball team number and I just like the number 8. 8 sideways is the infinity sign ;)
I always used 65 because I was born on June 5th so 6-5
- happy late bday — dr_dodge
- Oh thanks dr.dodge turned 17 so yah know one year away from being an adult but still one of the younger members in this diecast community — Kingjester
- Same birthday as my dad, cool! Happy belated birthday! — GravityThrottleRacing
I chose mine, by mathematical equation, adding mine, my wife's and daughters birthdays until came to a 2 digit number 78
#7 for me goes WAY back to when I was a child watching my favorite local, short track racer 'Cush Revette' slide his 'Crown Royal' #7 1957 Chevy around the track. He was a great dirt track racer, and even drove the paved race tracks like he was driving on dirt! I was so impressed by this, that when I started driving my own stock car in the late 1980s it was only natural that I used his number. My Dad used #78 & #98 for his cars, and my Grandfather used #37, but I wanted to used my own number. Years later I got the chance to race against Cush and it was TONS of fun! See photo below of me and one of my 'Local Heros'! Thanks for doing this! 'Craigster Sr.'
Im starting to use #99 for Beaverworx entries because we are based in a town name Brantford Ontario! Guess who is from hear...lol!