Race Numbers

I've noticed that builders will have a preferred number when entering a race that calls for them. Some I know why, some I don't, and some I can guess why from context clues. So, do you have a preferred number, and why? For example, I chose #64 for the same reason its part of my team name, because the cars are 1/64 scale(sometimes). I did not put a whole lot of thought into my naming conventions(I randomly thought of Spirit of '76, and hey presto, Spirit Of '64 is go!). Just for fun, I'll also make a list of numbers I do know that I'll update as I learn more.
0-Underdogs_Unleashed, Ne0n City
00-Iron Beard Customs
2-Monster Motorsports
3-SpyDude, Dubious Diecast alt(03)
Pi-Indiana Diecast Racing
4-G4 Diecast Racing
5-RTR Diecast Racing
6-Ruckus Racing
7-Canadian Driving Club alt, Hot Nuts Diecast
8-Fractal Panda, U_U
9-Uncle Elvis, Lily's Boneyard, U_U
11-Flat Rabbit Racing Club
12-Flat Rabbit alt, Vapor Racing alt, Bay City alt
13-Chaos Canyon, Dubious Diecast, Mad Mike alt
14-Numbskull Racing
16-Big Al's Speed Shop
20-EP Videos, Mad Mike alt
21-Vapor Racing, Numbskull
22-Grumpy Cloud
24-Madness Motorsports, GT Diecast
27-G-Force Diecast Racing
28-Filipiak Performance Diecast
31-Rabid Badger
32-Tiny Track Cars
34-Live Young Die Cast, Feral MODS
35-Herbie's HW Skunkworks
37- White Nuckle Motoring alt
38-Gravity Throttle Racing
39-Rabid Badger alt
41-Mayfield41, Bent Rod alt, Ruckus alt
42-War On I4/ProTrack, PWC Racing, Numbskull
43-Dr. Dodge, Feral MODS, Gravity Throttle alt
44-Shredder Speedway
46-Foursix Racing
48-Bay City Diecast
49-Rust Belt Diecast Racing
50-MCM alt
51-Doc's Speed Shop, Numbskull
53-White Nuckle Motoring, Numbskull
55-Numbskull Racing, Mad Mike
57-Karmic Racing
59-Smooth Boy Racing
63-Bent Rod Racing
64-Spirit Of '64
69-R-Lo Racing
71-Digital Diecast Racing
72-Man Child Motorsports
73-NJ Drive Racing
74- Merch By Meekin
75-Cat Pirate
76-Redline Salvage Inc.
77-Golden Owl
78-Canadian Driving Club, Bear Nasty Motorsport
79-Ra Sungod Racing
80-Nick Deavers Racing, Monster Motorsprts alt
81-Flip's Racing
84-Jack John And Katie Racing
97-MCM alt
98-Slanman Customs, U_U
220-Ragtag Racin'
777-Garden Super Speedway Park
B-Spazzed & Spurious Racing
My numbers are both chosen for my love of Mini's
#53 is because it's the internal code for the first gen 2006 Mini Cooper S - so I drive an R53...so I chose #53
#37 was chosen because of Mini's Rally heritage...do a google image search and #37 is the # you will see the most...
- interesting — dr_dodge
- Paddy Hopkirk! I just saw this post, & I'm a huge fan of MINI's as well! Over the years, my family has owned 7. Unfortunately, we don't currently have one. I'm a huge fan of the 2nd Gen - especially the R56 & R55. We've done many of the MINI events locally, regionally, & nationally here in the US. Very cool to run into another fan! — Rabid_Badger_Racing
#69. You already know why
I personally like the number 24 because my birthday is on April 24th, so I guess it's my favorite number.
0, 00, or 000, though that last options rarely available.
the 0utsiders is literally spelled with a Zero.
kinda a whole thing.
I had some of these decals layin around, not doing nuthin, just sittin there. :P
In general, I choose #3 because of Dale Earnhardt, plus it's a single-digit number and easy to put on a car. Barring that, I will choose Lightning McQueen's number (95) or Chick Hick's number (86). The last is funnier to me, because to be "86'd" means getting your butt tossed out of the race.
My 1:1 cars were number 80 after my dad.
my dad followed after his older brother who was 79. Honestly I should have went 81 but I didn't lol
- very cool I love dirt track racing — dr_dodge
- I did too. — NDeavers80
- So cool Nick! — GravityThrottleRacing
- That is awesome! Great photos. — GrumpyCloud
- Awesome. I just picked up a '93 Mustang LX last summer. I also used to hand-letter/number/paint my cousins and bro-in-law's dirt track cars years ago. One of my paintjobs got my cousin a front row start in a 100-car enduro race. He won. :) — FeralPatrick
- Feral Patrick that's awesome. — NDeavers80
- Thanks for the kind words guys my track unfortunately closed in 2005. I miss it everyday. — NDeavers80
- THAT is incredible! — G_ForceRacing
- Heck Yea Man! Good Stuff Nick... — CraigsterSr
Mine is 34 (haven't used it till recently) because it was Kirby Puckett's number. But I've used 43 before.
I typically go with Pie, cuz usually it's not claimed.....and it's weird
- are you a pii cast racer...lol — dr_dodge
- I love apple pie, cherry pie, lemon meringue, french silk, rhubarb pie, pecan pie, custard pie, cream pie, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, chocolate cream pie, key lime pie, blueberry pie, peanut butter pie, coconut cream pie, banana cream pie, blackberry pie, butter pie, buttermilk pie, caramel tarts, cheese pie, chestnut pie, cobblers, curry pie, fish pie, flapper pie, knish, meat pie, peach pie, pork pie, quiche, scotch pie, shoofly pie, kidney pie, treacle tarts, whoopie pie, and a few others. I like pie. — Numbskull
- 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 — Numbskull
- Hahaha! Numbskull, could barely read half way through was laughing too much! By the way Flapper pie? — Bent_Rod_Racing
- Was thinking ( in the Gutter ) — Bent_Rod_Racing
- Flapper pie = Vanilla custard pie with meringue in a cinnamon-graham cracker crust. — Numbskull
- i also sometimes use 99.....when I followed NASCAR I was a big Carl Edwards fan — IndianaDiecastRacing
I mostly go with 63, Year I was born.
Alternate is 41 just because it looks cool!
14, 21, and 42 because it is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Also 51, 53 herbie the love bug, and 55 because of Tom Waits' Ol' 55. I like 69 too because I was born in '69, but we all know who has that number locked down, and he races it well.
I like 43, as I am a mopar and petty fan
My first real dirt track stock car was 04Q
It was funny,
but not family friendly as the announcer is yelling over the PA system