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Wife needed something from Walmart so who was I to argue. The pegs have been empty for a little while now. Pegs were still empty so I went over to the dump bin to see if maybe they had dumped anything new. Found a few that might be good for the Before and After or the Bare Muscle. Still debating on both of those.
Looks like some nice build possibilities there. Those '71 Demons are sweet, are any of them Treasure Hunts?
That FTE Javelin has been my fastest hot wheels for quite some time now. Agreed that this casting is usually a winner. Out of 7 different ones I have, the only dud is the k-days FTE2 version. But even that is a middle of the pack performer.
That 71 Mustang Mach 1 is an all metal car. Usually that car isn't released that way into the mailines.
Cool Classics, love the look of these cars. I have bought around 10 of them. None are fast. Wish they were since they are also all metal, so yeah maybe a good idea ont he before and after series.
Target usually has a much lower price point on those Cool Classices than Wal Mart.
So, my wife thinks I may be a hoarder. In my defense, I don't collect a lot of castings, this is one of my favorites, and I've been looking for this one.
Nice find. I have been keeping my eyes open for that same car.
So, my wife thinks I may be a hoarder. In my defense, I don't collect a lot of castings, this is one of my favorites, and I've been looking for this one.
Delta, I want one of those. Trade?
Delta, I want one of those. Trade?
Funny, one of 'em already has your name on it! Lol.
Went by the Wally World looking for the Snoopy car - still no new cars! Picked up a few cars for racing and parts, though.
These have been on the clearence aisle for awhile. Picked one up when the first appeared and they had 3 left today at a buck a piece!
And this was in the mail box when I got back home! Thanks Keith!
Glad to see Snoopy made it. No problem!
Snoopy don't need those engines anyway, he flies his plane instead going after the Red Baron instead