Shortest tournament ever...only 2 races!

WidowmakerRun Monday, 9/7/2020

This was a very good demonstration of just how difficult it is to make it to the finish line on Widowmaker Run.

I did a tournament of the 16 car, FAO Shwarz Gold Series 2 set.

Out of the 16 cars, only 4 actually made it to the finish line, as part of my performance validation test, as I don't do qualifying, since I don't have a timer yet.  The performance validation is just a solo run to see if the car will make it to the finish.

During racing, 2 of the cars never made it to the finish line, so I don't show any video of that.

So basically, the tournament was 4 races between 2 cars, and during 2 of the races, there were double DNF's , so I did not show that in the video.

I'll post it up on youtube sometime tomorrow.


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MrFishyFish 9/7/20

lol that's hilarious... two races... lol
Hopefully there's more successful cars in the future, otherwise you might have to fiddle with that monster of a track a bit more to make sure someone occasionally finishes... lol

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Peter_Bee 9/8/20

That's why I prefer straight line drag races...barring a major catstrophe (or a really poor car) everyone finishes. They call it "racing" because you see who gets to the finish line first, not who can survive an obstacle course. That's called "surviving". Give me 2 lanes of Orange track over a diorama display any day.

  • How bout 2 lanes orange track AND a diorama? :) — FlatRabbitRacing
  • 100% agree with your Peter, if you want to race to find out the fastest car, drag racing is my preference. Much rather that than see cars pirouetting down the track, crossing the line in reverse and all that jazz... — Kevblokey

I guess you twisted my arm...

I will do a dragstrip tournament of the Gold Car set...might as well since they are all oiled up.  I will post the video next week.

That is pretty funny, and I feel your pain. I've been working on setting up Garden Canyon Run, and was surprised at how much time is spent finagling the track into smooth enough shape to keep most cars moving. Whether it's the transitions between track pieces and/or different types of track material, or the BluTrack itself (what I've chosen to use for much of my track), and then also making my two lanes fair between them, I didn't expect to spend much time on that aspect. I'll be posting pics and videos myself eventually. Good job on getting two races run!

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