Site update, changes

Today I rolled out the first of what will certainly be many more updates to the site at large.
You'll notice the new site toolbar at the top, which you'll now find connects all of the Redline Derby areas together. The blog also got an update but most of that is all visual.
The Fantasy League is still a work in progress and should be the focus of the next update. I have yet to rebuild the front page of the site so going to will drop you off at the blog.
If you have any trouble logging in, logging out or hit at "missing pages", please post, PM or mail to werace[at] with details. Thanks!
Just now seeing the updates, lookin' good Brian.
Gonna' check out the blog right now.
I just noticed that we are now a 'community' instead of a forum. I think the new name fits quite well, yes I do!
Oh yeh - I'm likin' the new header on the blog pages!
Yes, things are looking good.
i don't know what i'm doing... has there been a change ? i cannot find the messages portion of the community page... what am i doing wrong ?
Do you mean the Private/Personal messages at the top of the page?
yeh, mine's gone...
Mines there. Right between "Latest" and "Your profile".
yeh, but the members list option is gone.... how do you p.m. someone without it ?
Smitty...There is a little PM button under the users icon now...
is the user icon the same thing as an avitar ? i see a little pm w/ snowman to the right on each comment... what is the ball beside the snowman on some of the comments ?
Under "Your Profile" at the top of the page...then if you go to "profile" there's a space to enter "website". So whatever link/URL location you enter there will show up as the link in the globe next to the snowman. Not everybody has entered one, but if you hover your mouse over the globe it should tell you the link before you click it.
LookIng good Brian, now how about upping image size to 800px wide!