Stock vans

Finkle_and_Sons Monday, 7/20/2015

Hi people,

Any recommendations for a van that I can currently buy that is fast?  Looking for something I can take out of the package and is ready to roll.

I prefer the idea of modifying the vehicle but for this race it needs to be stock and it needs to be a van.

Thanks for any input.



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KandORacing 7/20/15

Johnny Lightning Spider-Man vans. 

  • Thanks for the recommendation! — Finkle_and_Sons
  • Those are often some of the best vans--especially the Chevies. They're easier to find (and cheaper) than some of the other JLs as well. — FOTF
  • Just be warned, there can be duds at times. I've had my fair share of disappointments, but most of the time they are fast. — KandORacing
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