The Big Rig Showdown
Ok everyone, there are 3 teams that I know of otw and scheduled to show on time????. With that being said here is the list of teams that are here and ready to race! Again good luck to everyone and hope you enjoy the race.
Hardcore Poetic Racing
Knobby Ridge
E-67 Diecast
Oregon Outcast Diecast
Uncle Elvis Racing
Hotrod Customs
StickDog Racing
KaBoom Racing
R-Lo Racing
Ca$h Money Boy$
Iceman Racing
Billy's Midway Racing
Kendall R. West (KRW Racing )
Travelers Racing
JAC Racing.
- Win or lose, this is going to be fun! Good luck everyone. — Billys_Midway_Racing
- Mine was delivered today 8-1-24... Thanks Keith! — CraigsterSr
Ok everyone, today Is the absolute last day for cars to get here. Down below is the list of teams at the track and ready to go. Good luck to everyone and be looking for the race on the LCDRL YouTube channel.
Hardcore Poetic Racing
Knobby Ridge
E-67 Diecast
Oregon Outcast Diecast
Uncle Elvis Racing
Hotrod Customs
StickDog Racing
KaBoom Racing
R-Lo Racing
Ca$h Money Boy$
Iceman Racing
Billy's Midway Racing
Kendall R. West (KRW Racing )
Travelers Racing
JAC Racing
Hot Nuts Diecast
Big Bishop Racing
In route. I might even get there on time. (maybe. lol.)