Track Construction

Tony_Savage Monday, 11/8/2021

Starting consteuction of the speeday.  Have not fully decided on a name: Dragons Fire, Liberty Hill Express Savage Raceway are in the mix.  Track is made of lanes for the first segment, crash race track that does includes 2 high banked turns.  This is the third design and have decided to go with it after a lot of testing.  We have several ideas as you can see in the diorama and getting to final decisions.  I have ordered the electronic starting gate and timing system.  I will be reaching out to the group when i am ready to still cameras. I do plan on having two 45" monitors on the walls as well.  A project in the making.  The track races very well with a great finish percentage. My partner in crime Suzzana is a mechanical engineer and makes slight 1/8 inch addjusts that make a real difference  The track will be engineered when final mounting takes place.  Will keep you updated on the progress/  Feel free to vote or mention a track name.  Thanks Tony Savage


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H3zzard 11/9/21

A great start! Please keep us updated.

Well, I've been putting it off long enough.  How is Suzzana doing? Is she still crying for me? I told her I was coming from Alabama but that may have been a fib...(I don't even own a Banjo...)

Sorry, had to do it to ease the song spinning around in my head...release...

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