What do you do in real life?

Kind of stepping away a little from racing etc....I'm curious: What do you all do for a living?
Don't need a small novel describing your job, just a quick 2000 word in a 6 paragraph note will suffice.
I'll start. Rail Construction Supervisor for a Mining Company in Australia. I live in New Zealand and travel back and forth every 3-4 weeks.
There's a question going around on the Book of Faces that goes something like, "Poorly explain what you do for a living." I'm always highly amused by the answers.
My own personal answer is, "I work around college students and dead bodies (not necessarily one and the same.)" it never fails to get a laugh.
(Correct answer: I work at a teaching hospital on a college campus.)
- lol — dr_dodge
- I sit atop a complex arrangement of steel cells and chambers. With arcane controls and mysterious formula I feed the distilled liquefied souls of ancient leviathans into those chambers. The chambers render those souls into nothing and drawing from them the energy needed to propel my massive vessel through time and space to deliver all of the material goods at the imperium needs to wage its wars. I brave the wild space between my stops. I brave the chaotic nature of the network across which I move my vessel. I endure the sinister and tantalizing offers of the lizard folk who populate the rest stops and refueling stations along my way. I am away from my family and I am away from my home. I might see them for a day perhaps a night once in a while but I sacrifice my life to the emperor! Some do this by dying and I have great respect for the Astra Militarium! But I sacrifice my life to the emperor by living it. By giving everything I have and living in such a way that the materials that maintain the imperium as a fighting force can flow. — StarCorps
- Hahaha!! — EnZedRacing
- Lol — GoldenOwl
I am an equine (horse) veterinarian. But usually I tell people I am at truck driver which isn't totally untrue as I spend three to four hours a day in the truck driving between appointments most days.
- A professional driver is a professional driver. Respect. — StarCorps
- That's fascinating bro! — G_ForceRacing
- Not the easiest animal to look after...good on ya mate! — EnZedRacing
Well I'm going to be a senior so heading into my final year of high school, besides that I'm just your average 17 year old who likes video games and diecast racing (whether or not diecast is considered average is up for debate)
- you have the whole world in from of you! take it all in and savor every bit — dr_dodge
- I wish I had thought of this when I was a teenager. Although there's far more tech now to make it even more interesting. Enjoy it, man. And when life moves on, remember, you can always come back to cars :) — redlinederby
- Last year! Nice. Thanks for sharing and for being a part of this community. — GravityThrottleRacing
- 17 and hanging out/being mentored by people twice your age. I reckon you'll be showing us all how to build a better car in the near future. — EnZedRacing
Health forced me into early retirement from graphic design (almost 20 years). I started in business stationery, then into children's book publishing, and finished as a production 'designer' for a well-known digital photo printer, with freelance gigs mixed in. I'm also a traditional visual artist, but haven't drawn or painted a finished piece in nearly ten years, though since I started modding diecast the urge to start painting and drawing again has come back, which was my hope when I began. I also used to do the numbering and lettering for various relatives' stock cars. Got my cousin in the front row of a 100-car enduro with a winning paint job. He actually won. lol
- Damn, no wonder why your cars always that sharp dude — Underdogs_Unleashed
- Thanks, man. They mostly lose, but they usually look good doing it. :D — FeralPatrick
- Winning isn't important. Looking flash is! ;) — StarCorps
- Yeah, I agree with you both. That's my team philosophy too xD lose in style and help put on a great show — Underdogs_Unleashed
- That's one thing I love about this hobby, I can do my version of art work! — G_ForceRacing
- Your cars look great and now we know why. — EnZedRacing
I am a real estate investor /property manager / business owner. All I do is research pretty much haha.
- Very cool, I used to work with guys in your trade when I was a project manager. — G_ForceRacing
- Oh cool! Yea it takes a ton of research for sure and knowing the market. — D_Built_Garage
Career-wise I've been a web guy for the last 25 years or so...designing, building, running websites...with a good helping of sales & marketing on top. Majority of my career was in media...TV, radio, and newspapers, but have since moved on to serve even larger corporate overlords.
Life-wise, I am still largely a digital creator but try to do more physical making when possible. That's one thing that drew me into racing...it seemed like a good mix of digital and physical.
- Me too, doing web design was a good artistic outlet! — G_ForceRacing
- ....and we love this website. Cheers for that — EnZedRacing
bartender 20 years
brewery owner 10 years
truck driver 10 years
toy car maker 2 years
- Bartender and brewery owner. It all makes sense now. Where does one get samples? — FeralPatrick
- https://urbanmilwaukee.com/business/onopa-brewing-company/ — Numbskull
- Still driving? — StarCorps
- daily driver — Numbskull
- Sitting here in the yard while the dock tries to get its head out of its ass and figure out how to unload a container... — StarCorps
- I haul for a private company...if a load is not ready, I don' t go in. — Numbskull
- I do the same - I'm hourly, so I don't mind pulling out the laptop and burning the clock. — StarCorps
- I draw pictures. — Numbskull
- a bar tender, I should have known, so what is the magic martini you dip you cars in? — dr_dodge
- 'cause....vodka — dr_dodge
- I drove trick for 10 years, mostly short haul, some long haul. Loved driving a truck, didn't love traffic, dock workers, dispatchers, weighscales, highway patrol, drizzly rain, throwing chains on duals, dumb drivers, ice... But loved the trucks! — G_ForceRacing
- Yup. Sounds about right. :) — G4DiecastRacing
- lol. — Numbskull
- Cheers to beers — GoldenOwl
- I have tried to make my own wildcrafted "beers" before. None of them really turned out that great though. Kombucha was much easier to get consistently good results. — Roberts_Diecast_Motorsport
- I know you build fast cars... — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
I have been a truck driver for the last 8 years.
I have owned three businesses, (Custom clothing and tailoring, a game store and my current laser engraving business) I spent a decade and a half in Private Investigation and Personal Protection, a few years in Information Technologies - and a few jobs I just can't tell you about.
- thats cool, I've been to every def contractor, and many suppliers in the us. cal'd wright patt test cells, edwards avionics lab, JPL. inside access is fun but suck you can't tell anyone — dr_dodge
- driving trucks is the most peaceful job I've ever done. I love to drive. — dr_dodge
- Truckers rock — G_ForceRacing
Industrial mechanic at a beverage facility (20 years now) and once in a while author. I'm also a dad (which is my favorite job in the whole world) and a husband.
- What do you write? — StarCorps
- I've had about 14 (15?) short stories published. Mostly horror or Sci-Fi. — DemonPreacher
- I like to write as well. — Numbskull
- i've written, (sucks as bad as my cars...lol) I also am a 35th level DM 2nd edition started in ~'79 — dr_dodge
- I can wind a story out or thin air, but keyboard/paper I clam up, gotta have other people. Come to think, probably why I love diecast racing, the story, as short as it may be... — dr_dodge
- I love reading sci fi. My wife has written four fantasy/sci fi novels and many short stories — G_ForceRacing
- Nice! I'd write more if I had the time. Six day work week with the more than occasional twelve hour shift. — DemonPreacher
- I'd be interested on reading your stories... Where can I find them? — G_ForceRacing
- https://www.amazon.com/Gladstil-Orchard-Tale-Land-Eld/dp/1469920719/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1B5QAC90MXH25&keywords=paul+onopa&qid=1692291685&sprefix=paul+onopa%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-1 — Numbskull
I've done various blue collar jobs since I was able to enter the workforce, but the job I've stuck with the longest(12 years as of yesterday) is working in a grocery store as a bakery clerk. Usually that's packaging baked goods or cleaning the bakery, but once in awhile I'll get to ice and decorate the donuts. I like that bit, but my body doesn't care for the hours much, or else I'd just do that.
- Bakers hours are rugged! — G_ForceRacing
- I'd hate to be a baker....the early starts would kill me! Much respect to you mate — EnZedRacing
I do as little as possible.
- Shhh... Me too ;) — G_ForceRacing
- Word — GoldenOwl
- I like your way of thinking. — Soapy_Waters_Racing
I am a physical metrologist (measurement scientist) for 45 years
I started in the USAF in1978, at 18 years old, and been in and out of the industry ever since.
also have been self employed at various times in between calibration jobs, as :
auto mechanic, race car and fabrication, trash man/scrap hauler