Flea Market Find

JDC442 Saturday, 6/4/2011

My fiancée showed up at my work to tell me some very important news. She had found a flea market that just got a bunch of older Hot Wheels. So instead of eating on my lunch break, I went Hot Wheel shopping! The cars there were mostly late 90s and early 2000s still in the package. I ended up buying around 60 cars, each for under a buck. There were so many to choose from it was very hard to stop at 60. Here are 40 of my favorites.
Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

As you can see, there's a lot of all-metal cars. I may end up donating some of these to the league! Perhaps one of these could end up being a champion.


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redlinederby 6/4/11
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Couple of big Dairy vans there, nice! And is that a gold Ferrari?

Man, between you and Jobe that's like 300 cars in less than week! I feel like such a slacker.

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Jobe 6/4/11

Sweet score! I have a few of those, including the brown Ferrari!
Love the all gold 300, pimpin!

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markkaz 6/5/11

It is definitely a buyers market nowadays.

That FTE Mini is sick.

A really fun tip it that Gold 300 is a plastic body with a metal chassis. The body is exactly the same dimensions as the metal body, so take that body off and use it's chassis and a body from the first editions or T-hunts and you'll have a good all metal car that can catch a lot of people by surprise. The best part is it looks totally stock. One of the best sleepers out there.

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Jobe 6/5/11

I just dug out an FTE Mini from my own collection of FTE cars, I'm opening it soon!

That Purple Power Pistons is one of our fastest cars. It only has one loss on my track and gave my oldest son a trophy for having the fastest car in the rookie class that he entered last year on our 48 foot racing track.

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Bandeezee 6/6/11

Thanks for the tip on the gold 300C Jason. I ended up getting that one off ebay.

Btw, nice find.

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gtaman 4/18/16

Nice find, I can't believe "purple power pistons" is that fast...


Someday, I will go to Flea Market to get some more old hot wheels this weekend. Good job.

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