How do I know I have the right model of car?

I've been watching Gravity Throttle Racing and enjoying it immensely, and seriously thinking about trying to submit a car. I even looked at some older Hot Wheels in a special trip to a local thrift store (they had a ton of them). But when I was looking I realized that GTR saying that for 2024 the model was "Baja Bouncer" meant very little to me. Do I look for a Hot Wheels model that is called that specifically? Or are there multiple models that would qualify as a baja bouncer? How do I know that I'm submitting the right type of car for a situation like that? Thanks a bunch for any insights and thank you to GTR for providing me hours of enjoyment! :)
Google that name and see what you get!
Welcome aboard... you will find almost everything you need to know here and folks can give you some awesome insight as you start your new journey! Great group and great info... you are in the right spot!
you need a stock of cars
wheel donors, and builders
I buy any diecast ~1/64 that is a real car, toss it in the chest
someone announces a race, dig the chest, find a casting, and a set or two of donor axles the same size as you plan on using
then...drill away
Generally speaking, if the host specifies as specific casting name, you'll need to find that casting. It's the name that will be on the card and, in most cases, will be stamped on the bottom of the car as well.
The Wiki linked there is also very helpful when looking up castings, a great resource.
But always message the host if you have any questions. If you can't find the specific casting, they might offer an alternative or something.
Thanks everyone! I'm going to head back when I get a chance and look again for any cars with that specific name. I did look for that specific model at the store, but not very hard because I started to doubt myself. Otherwise I'll start looking at other places as well.
That wiki link is great. What does it say about me that I laughed out loud at "Shift Happens". Hahahahaha!
i had this exact query too.
Havent started modding yet waiting on wheels for testing but this was something that i was unsure about..
the knowledge of the casting and the availablity of the casting.
As a newbie i have no idea what is a phantasy casting or a 80s casting... unless its printed on the underneat of the car.
so that link helps alot.
I am limited up here in the Boonies but Safeway, Dollar General and WallyWorld is a Good place to go. I try to get at least two of every casting in case I Butcher one while modding. Fast Casting?, Stock up for using the Axels and wheels.
You can search any model hot wheels here. matchbox has a page also