Introducing the Mullet River Sprint Track!

ShannonBR Friday, 3/11/2022

Whats up everyone, 

Shannon BR from Down Squad Racing here. We have our track up and running. It's called the Mullet River Sprint Track. Believe it or not, we do have a river called the Mullet River behind our building. We still have a long way to go with the diorama, but the track is ready to go. We'll be doing full races while working on the diorama. It's a challenging, fast short track, and a lot of fun. We'll soon be posting a call for our first mail in race(s). So keep a look out for it. We also just made our youtube channel. Please follow and subscribe. 

A huge thank you to those of you who have helped and gave us advise. If those people don't mind, we'll be promoting their channels and products during our vids. It's amazing how supportive this community can be. 

Click the link to see a sneak preview of the track. Thanks for reading!

Shannon BR - Down Squad Racing


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Bongo 3/11/22

Congratulations!! Looks fantastic! Looking forward to your first race announcement. 

  • Thanks, We’ll announce in the next day or two. — ShannonBR
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