List of retail finish lines and starting gates

Lets start a "definitive" list of available retail finish lines and starting gates. We've talked a lot about and referenced many of them throughout the years but never put together a solid list.
Add links to ones you know of or find that aren't already in the lists. And lets keep this limited to retail products, playsets and kits...for people looking to buy, install, and be done.
Combo kits
- Slanman Customs, open track start/finish timer
- JLH Krafts, various timer options, multi-lane, read our review
- PlayRobotics, Arduino start/finish kits, read our review
- Derby Magic, pro full track system
- Drag Track system, complete kit with finish line; read our review
Finish lines
- Slanman Customs, open track systems, mechanical drop flag + more
- New Directions, home of The Judge
- Micro Wizard, electronic kits with timers
- Hot Wheels 6 Lane Raceway, playset includes electronic finish
- Max Traxxx finish gate, 2-lane flapper finish with lights; read our review
- Dragon Racing system, 2-lane sensor finish with timer
- Teamsterz Street Race Showdown playset, 2-lane sensor finish
Starting gates
- Slanman Customs, electronic and mechanical gates - Read our review
- New Directions, spring-loaded release
- Dragon Racing system, tree start with timer
If you're looking for 3DBotMaker track accessories, please note that they have ceased production on finish lines and starting gates. Read the announcement.
It's worth mentioning that 3D is taking a hiatus from producing his track accessories at present, I hope this is just temporary as his products are excellent for our hobby.
- 3DBM does offer some of his track parts to self-print if you have a 3D printer, or you can often have a service print them too. But gates and finish lines will be unavailable for a while. — redlinederby
Anyone tried the race starter from this set?
Selling for $10 at Walmart
- I have one like that but don't use it for my racing since I'm not sure you'd want a boost heading downhill. But for giving your cars a little push on a flat surface, it works okay. — redlinederby
Our track .Wally Parks Race way , Home of the Pa Pa Nationals . We use New Directions Judge for our Finnish gate . AWESOME.!!!!!!!
Hoping to find an affordable starting "christmas tree" for my track
Thank you forum
This is exactlly what I have been looking for as I plan my track!
- Make sure you do plenty of research and get advice before buying. Cheers good luck out there. — CutRock_R_Marc_D
Has anybody started 3d printing start gates similar to the type 3D Bot maker used to build? I'm planning on setting up a new track and would like to get my hands on one.
- Slanman Customs ....... I actually just got one of his two-lane start gates today. Check out his Facebook page. — SpyDude
- I'll second SpyDude's recommendation. Slanman Customs is also on Etsy if you don't do Facebook: — H3zzard
Thank you guys. I'll take a look.
Ok, I need Everyone's help deciding something important.
I have 3 choices for Start gates: Slanman Customs, PlayRobotics, Or JLH Krafts
All 3 are going to end up being about the same price.
PlayRobotics - Sale price $159.00 USD +$39 shipping = $198
Slanman - $205 but out of stock for who knows how long.
JLH is 4-5 week build and ship time at 216.79 with tax
I could try and build one myself but I want instant gratification here.
Leave a comment with your vote.
- Slanman. Unless they can't get it to you soon enough. I'd see if I could ask. They have their own RLD acount — LottaSpeedRacing
- Slanman is an official partner of RLD...for whatever that's worth. But the PlayRobotics system is more open-source and can be expanded if you're technologically inclined. I haven't used the Slanman system yet. — redlinederby
- slanmans stuff it top notch! — dr_dodge
Slanman Customs' starting gate and finish line combo is well worth the money and the wait. It didn't come with any instructions but it was easy enough to figure out. The overall finish is beautiful, the operation is simple and the timer has plenty of digits for timing. I've been using it for my short test track to tune my cars for mail-in races, so a 2.5 to 4 second run is common, but I could see every thousandth of a second I shaved off with weight, polished axles and graphite. The Crash Racers connectors that they make also work really nicely too.
- It looks great and I don't doubt the quality. Slanman did post recently that he got more parts in for the gates, so hopefully soon. — JBlotner42
- looks great! — dr_dodge
Here is another option for start gates... Spool Heads. I have one and its awesome!
How about this one? How many have used this one?