Rookie Rally 2020
Being flat and low seems to be a big advantage on my track. The more racing I've done recently, the more I'ved noticed that the transition on my track is a special type of beast. Cars can get some wicked wobble coming out of the hill in both lanes, although it seems a little more harsh in Lane 1 (near lane).
Check out the 3rd race of the first round (at the 1:42 mark) and you'll see Worpex's Ferrari fishtail coming off the hill. I think the rear actually jumped the wall before settling back in...and that ended the chances for that match-up. And that wasn't unique to the Ferrari, most everyone suffered from it at some point.
It might be time to rejigger the track a bit, maybe calms things down, but then again I also like that my track has some tricky character (if you want to call it that), just like any track should. And since my track is more or less permanent, it'll pretty much be that way so you can plan for it (maybe kinda).'ll see more in coming rounds, hang on to your butts.
- I noticed it in the 510 race as well. Im learning that part of this hobby is learning the track and building to suite. Might try to make the transition a little more consistent lane to lane but your also right, its part of the conditions of the track and needs to be taken into account when modding for it! — Mattman213
- Has me thinking that it might be good for cars to have a little more front weight for my track. But as long as the "features" of the track are constant I think it's all good. — redlinederby
- Yeah that was a wicked fish-tail that my car had! Loved watching that in slow-mo. — WorpeX
I'll also say that I really like running the round robin format. It took a lot of worry out of things because you don't have to keep up with the bracket to make sure the right people are fighting. Not saying the format is more/less exciting or entertaining, but from a managing standpoint, it feels less stressful.
However, it worked well for this race because it was a limited field. I had capped this at 12 feeling that was the upper end of racing I could get done in a reason amount of time, and now I think that 12 was even ambitious. Having 8 cars was probably good as my intro into doing round robin for this stuff. Going with 10 probably would have been doable but more than that would have had this series dragging on for longer than I'd probably want.
I'll definitely do this format again, it's worth it and shakes things up a bit. It's nice to have some one-and-done events while also offering the longer series. Something for everyone.
- Its intriguing to me and fun to know that you will face every car and see how your work stands up. I dig it! — Mattman213
- I think round robin is a good backup if you're planning on doing a normal bracket but then turnout is lower than expected. — redlinederby
- Yeah Ill be keeping the idea in my back pocket if I can ever get to hosting events! — Mattman213
- I agree with the Round Robin, I'll be using it later this year myself. — Big_Poppy
- I like that with Round Robin i might be able to pick up at least 1 win. I think my car can beat the pizza planet truck, so I got that going for me. — WorpeX
Drops mike...
- Who's Mike? Poor guy. ;P — redlinederby
- Believe me, now that I have 3D printer, I've been exploring support structures for my track and transition. All in good time. — redlinederby
And the beat goes on...Rounds 3-5, this time with music and sounds.
A few really close matches and good racing all around here. Mattman213 and GR33K had to duke it out in Round 4 while Bruno's Ballistick is simply cruisin'. I just hope no one was still waiting for their pizza.
We're into the home stretch...only 2 more rounds and 8 match-ups to go. Bruno and Mattman are tied at the top but will face each other in Round 6, so something's gotta give. GR33K and North 271 both need wins in the next set and hope for some losses at the top. It's not a done deal yet, folks.
Final rounds will go up this weekend.
Bracket and standings updated on Challonge
Point standings after 5 rounds.
- 164 Bruno, 5 pts
- Mattman213, 5 pts
- GR33K, 3 pts
- North 271, 3 pts
- Big Poppy, 2 pts
- Worpex, 1 pt
- Sinister Grackle, 1 pt
- 164 Kyle, 0 pts
- I think that Ballistic's got my number based on what I've seen from it, sucker is FLYING. Hopefully the Mustang has just enough to give it hell — Mattman213
- Awwww yeah there's my win! The match versus sinister might be close too. Anyway, the Pizza Planet car has quickly become my favorite car to watch in this tournament.. it wipes out in the most spectacular ways! — WorpeX
- The screeching tire sound the first time it wiped out scared the SH...outta me for some reason. Couldn't stop laughing after that. — Mattman213
- Don't know how the heck the BlueBallistik pulled out the win in the first race with the green Corvette. I think the Mustang and BlueBallistik races are going to be decided by the electronics, to close to call and could go either way. — ChiefWopahoo
- Im not a betting man, but based on what Ive seen of prior races, I think the Ballistic will edge out the Mustang slightly. Im pumped tho because either way it should be a super close race and I love that stuff! — Mattman213
Great Stuff...looking forward to the final rounds.
Here's the last races and what a way to kick off the final rounds than with the 2 undefeated cars going head-to-head? Something had to give and...
...and Bruno's Ballistik just couldn't be stopped. Whether it was good weight, good wheelbase, good wheels or just good luck, it didn't matter because that thing cruised right through this tournament without looking back once. Great job, Bruno!
But lets be honest, all the entries to top notch and I think it's safe to say that you guys set a high bar for what is considered a "rookie" around these parts.
Hopefully everyone had fun watching their machines roll and enjoyed this round robin format. I know I did on all counts. Definitely something we'll visit again real soon...I think we need a veterans round robin race now, no?
And no we'll all look ahead to the Super Cars on the Bootleg Run and then we'll meet up again at Triplemania. Happy racing!
- Well done to all! Was great viewing, thanks for the event! Cheers — CutRock_R_Marc_D
- WOW I thought for sure that mustang would win. Awesome car Bruno! Thanks again for running this Brian, once the Testarossa retuns it'll be officially retired and used as a model for future graphics on my site. Its mail-in days are done! — WorpeX
- Ha thanks for the confidence but I knew that Ballistic had my number! Congrats Bruno, unstoppable build and good job everyone else for making for a fun event! — Mattman213
- Thanks. Appreciate the nice words. Looking forward to more action. Fun stuff!! — ChiefWopahoo
- I was surprised that I didn’t get smoked by gr33k and his truck. It was nice to see how us rookies stack up against each other and did enjoy the round robin format. Thanks for putting this race together. — North271racing
Fantastic job...that was really some quality work by all the Builders...I'm impressed...don't know if I could have beat the Top 5 when I was a rookie 3yrs ago...but everyone is at the right place in this sport if want to and be competitive in Diecast Racing...
...Job Well Done
Peace and Speed-League of Speed
Really didn't expect that result. The BlueBalistik just didn't want to give up on any of the races so now it's earned a piece of prime real estate on my display shelf. There were several nail biters all throughout this format and watching each race closely provided a wealth of information. Interestingly, the two cars w/o FTEs finished 1-2 and for whatever reason it seems that the Balistik handled the "whump" at the bottom of the hill without much drama. That clearly helped it. Thanks for presenting & hosting this race Brian.
- Yep! 4 good spinning wheels on normal axles is proving the be better than even one slightly wobbly wheel on nickle axles in my testing. Your Balistik was rarely the fastest down the incline but the second it hit the transition it took off like a shot and would walk around everyone it faced. Im going to have to hunt one down now just to play with! Your right, my Mustang seemed to be pretty poised on the transition "whump" but against you it wavered the first run. 2nd run looked clean as could be and you still nosed it out proving that you were quicker all around! — Mattman213
- I saw that wobble in our race and I think if not for that your Mustang would have taken it. If you can't find a Ballistik local to you I have about a half-dozen more still in the blisters. Let me know I I'll send one your way for just the shipping fee. — ChiefWopahoo
- Wow man that would be amazing! I was looking this past weekend at a local car show but came up empty. I have a BIG flea market this coming weekend and if thats a bust, Ill def. take you up on that offer. Yours got me wanting to see what makes it tick. Every time I see a fast car around here it makes me want to add it to my personal list! — Mattman213
- Ballistik is a super underrated casting. Even stock, they can be pretty quick. Bruno just proved that they're worth taking the next level too! — WorpeX
My family was ravaged by stomach flu this week so I wasn't able to do much and didn't get any cars prepped for return shipping. That's my task for this weekend so I expect to get cars on their way home next week.
- Thanks for the update, hope everyone feels better! — WorpeX
- No hurry, get well!!!! — Mattman213
The little BlueBallistik pedaled it's tail off against some stout competition so I could wear the spoils of victory. Doesn't seem fair but I'll take it.
Thanks for the Redline gear Brian, the shirt is pretty sweet.
- Bruno
- No way you picked a great casting and made it consistently quick. Good job!!! — Mattman213
- Congrats on the win, you made a statement with that thing! And hope the shirt fits. — redlinederby
- Congrats again! — WorpeX
Have all the cars been sent back? Haven't gotten mine in the mail yet
- No, none have. They're going out this week. I'll PM you with tracking once I have it. — redlinederby
- OH! Bruno's picture confused me then. Sorry! Thanks Brian — WorpeX
- Bruno is local where I live, so I just dropped his off, sorry for confusion — redlinederby
Well done guy's...y'all learn fast nowadays how to be fast. Nice vids BV.